Sunday, April 22, 2018

Mr. Trump's 'State of the Union' Speech

I could hardly contain my laughter after reading the letter to the editor column (Friday, February 2, 2018) in our local paper.  I was specially intrigued by a letter lauding Mr. Trump as a great president and that the SOTU Speech was great!  The superlatives floored me.  It if weren’t for my tears and fears it really would be funny.  I do agree that he demonstrated that he can read from a teleprompter with some competency.

I see Mr Trump and his well documented action and words as an avowed sexual predator, a habitual liar and an overt racist who just happened to reside in the White House.

My question to the writer is, “Can you tell me the dates and historical circumstances that clarify  exactly when America was great for all it’s citizens, including the native peoples who were actually here first?”  

Dems sitting on their hands during the SOTU was very mild considering the Republican Minority Speakers vow not to support or vote for anything President Obama proposed.  At least none of them yelled out ‘liar’ by an elected member of congress during his speech, which in many noted incidents would have been true.  Hey guys, you laid the ground plan for respect and collaboration.  You appear to only support oppositional partisanship.

As a citizen who loves my country and spent many years teaching others to respect and appreciate the gift of being an American, I do have to admit that I am a descendent of people who were brought here from “shithole” countries, to be kept as slaves for more than 400 years, I don’t really anticipate seeing the U S turning the clock as well as governing practices back 300-400 years as a political strategy.   Unfortunately I know where that would leave me and my loved ones.

Chaos is a well-known political strategy that works well when a portion of the citizenry stops thinking in terms of right and wrong, the common good and Democratic practices and standards in order to believe that they alone are entitled to benefit from citizenship and tax breaks.  The cult of personality that we are seeing promoted everyday is frightening.  When was the last day in the last    days that you were able to see or hear the news that was not Trump centered?  A day that wasn’t overwhelmed with scandalous comments or decisions from the White House and Congress to protect and support Mr Trump’s promises to a third of the populace?  When is the last time Mr Trump or a member of Congress has not uttered the name Hillary Clinton.  She is not the president!!!!   But unfortunately, she is a handy enemy.  Even the Super Bowl was tainted by politics!  When will he realize he is the President of All Americans?  Even those of a darker persuasion and even when they don’t reside in the contiguous US?

Those growth strangling regulations that were so gleefully overturned also happen to be in many cases life and health protecting rules and guidelines.  

I’ve always supported our elected president, no matter his party or political leanings .  He is my president and Our Country and my successes or failures as an individual are dependent on his or her their basic intelligence, their beliefs in the basic American principles and institutions, the inalienable value of all citizens, as well as their successes as a historically knowledgeable statesman and orator.  I am in no way impressed after 379 days.

Seeing the overt support for Nazi’s and KKK who marched in Charlottesville, as well as the unthwarted gun violence in this country, I in no way feel safer or better.  How high a price are you willing to pay for your presidential given agent to make the U S as white as possible?

As for fiscally conservative Republicans, I myself agree that the stock market has soared but it nominally or indirectly impacts me as a poor retired educator.  Nothing has ever actually trickled down to benefit me or mine.  As wonderful as The U S is, the use of derogatory words and terms to demean and undermine the integrity of Mexicans, and Muslims is unforgivable.  There are so many issues he should address, but his calling Black athletes 'Son of a Bitches" is unacceptable!  

I have always prided myself on being a non-partisan, independent thinking American who voted for the person who will best protect my interests and beliefs.   Today, I see no hope or interest leaning from the Republican party to include people such as myself.  The debt is steadily increasing and the stock market seems to be stumbling over its own feet.  Many of the who were promised their jobs would be saved are angry and speaking out - ask Carrier employees who’s working for them.

Addressing all his efforts towards pleasing  a minority audience is not smart, especially  when you are president of all the people.  I wonder when he will get off the campaign trail and stop blaming Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for every damn thing that happens?  

BTW - My family members and some friends who are in law enforcement do not see Mr.Trump as their  champion either with his unstinting attacks on the FBI and the Justice Department.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Election Can't come Soon Enough.

I've always been a political junkie and enjoyed the peaceful transition of power that occurs in our wonderful country.  Not this year!!!!  I find myself downhearted and afraid of the consequences of this election.

 I will be delighted when this election is finally over next week.  It is so mean spirited and anti-democratic.  It is hard to realize people I know and respected would be so willing to undermine our country and the leadership just to elect one candidate or the other.  Is the concept of what's best for ALL Americans really dead?  Do we always have to think and solve problems on a partisan basis and only through our political affiliation? 

Thinking, logic and moral values are no longer real factors in decision-making it seems.  Bullying, harassment and name-calling seem to be the rule of the day.  Allowing stolen documentation, leaked from a foreign, enemy nation, to influence our citizens and dismissing it as inconsequential is unpardonable.  While the first amendment remains a stalwart element in our society, shouldn’t thorough discussion of issues matter as well?   Does the truth no longer count?  The way the 2016 election has been conducted is an anathema to the foundation and structural core of our country as set up by the founding fathers. 

It is also hard to accept a large segment of the citizenship that blames Barack Obama for everything from killing Christ, starting the American Civil War, looking the other way when Japan bombed pearl Harbor, the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (what deplorable thing hasn't he done?).  Resistance by elected officials to legislate on every level, as well as common people who would themselves benefit from some of the laws being passed, vote against their own best interest, choosing to side against the Kenyan in the White House.  These are scary times, especially if you are an ethnic minority in this country.  I hesitate to think of the aftermath of the election.  The strategies and delegitimization of so many practices and people will leave a lasting legacy of growing distrust and hate.  I fear for God-fearing, law-abiding citizens, but most of all for the leaders of our country.  Violence has been introduced as an acceptable alternative to honest dialogue, and it is so surprising to see how many people grab onto that concept so eagerly.

Come on November 9th!  Let end this chaos!!!  Hopefully, we will get back to improving our economy, infrastructure, schools, taking care of our vets, and defense so we can all be more secure.  Not because of the party I lean towards, but because it's the right thing to do!


The Election Can't come Soon Enough.

I've always been a political junkie and enjoyed the peaceful transition of power that occurs in our wonderful country.  Not this year!!!!  I find myself downhearted and afraid of the consequences of this election.

 I will be delighted when this election is finally over next week.  It is so mean spirited and anti-democratic.  It is hard to realize people I know and respected would be so willing to undermine our country and the leadership just to elect one candidate or the other.  Is the concept of what's best for ALL Americans really dead?  Do we always have to think and solve problems on a partisan basis and only through our political affiliation? 

Thinking, logic and moral values are no longer real factors in decision-making it seems.  Bullying, harassment and name-calling seem to be the rule of the day.  Allowing stolen documentation, leaked from a foreign, enemy nation, to influence our citizens and dismissing it as inconsequential is unpardonable.  While the first amendment remains a stalwart element in our society, shouldn’t thorough discussion of issues matter as well?   Does the truth no longer count?  The way the 2016 election has been conducted is an anathema to the foundation and structural core of our country as set up by the founding fathers. 

It is also hard to accept a large segment of the citizenship that blames Barack Obama for everything from killing Christ, starting the American Civil War, looking the other way when Japan bombed pearl Harbor, the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (what deplorable thing hasn't he done?).  Resistance by elected officials to legislate on every level, as well as common people who would themselves benefit from some of the laws being passed, vote against their own best interest, choosing to side against the Kenyan in the White House.  These are scary times, especially if you are an ethnic minority in this country.  I hesitate to think of the aftermath of the election.  The strategies and delegitimization of so many practices and people will leave a lasting legacy of growing distrust and hate.  I fear for God-fearing, law-abiding citizens, but most of all for the leaders of our country.  Violence has been introduced as an acceptable alternative to honest dialogue, and it is so surprising to see how many people grab onto that concept so eagerly.

Come on November 9th!  Let end this chaos!!!  Hopefully, we will get back to improving our economy, infrastructure, schools, taking care of our vets, and defense so we can all be more secure.  Not because of the party I lean towards, but because it's the right thing to do!


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Another Scary Thought
Joyce Corley

The Apple (Donald Trump Junior) Doesn't fall from the tree!

I couldn't believe his stupid analogy.  Here's a question for he and his Dad!  - Another good one from the Daily Kos website!

It's So Scary I Can Barely force Myself to Laugh
Joyce Corley

There are actually people out there who are so dumb.  I got this one from the Daily Kos website


Monday, September 19, 2016

Gee, I'm Really Afraid!  Very Afraid!

I've been away from my blog spot for a while but I'm back, and in many respects I am talking once again about some of the same issues that were bugging me the last time I wrote.  I can't get over the ugliness and uber-partisanship that has overtaken our country.  I can't get over the disrespect that bellows from one party in particular.  One question rings in my head.  When does partisanship win over love of country?

On Friday I spent the morning waiting to hear Trump's statement about the birther movement that he started.  I was so angry to see how he literally played the press, as he always does (they run at his slightest move to speak), and they still failed to call him for his shenanigans.

He announces that a statement will be made at one of his new hotels.  All the press shows up!  For quite a few minutes he speaks rapturously about the features and magnificence of the hotel he is opening, and they are meeting it.  Then he introduces a few tin generals, other known alt-right military spokespeople, and two Medal of Honor winners who all proclaimed his marvelous and unrivaled powers to lead us as a country.

Then, coward that he is, (proven by his antics to keep from serving during the Viet Nam war because he had bone spurs), he makes a three sentence statement saying that "Barack Obama was born in the Us.  Period.  Now lets go back to Making America Great again".

I am not really mad at Donald Trump...I realize he is a showman and an actor.  He said himself last week at a rally how hot it gets every time he 'performs".  Not a very good one because his immaturity keeps getting in the way.  I am more concerned and ultimately mad at the millions of people who listen to him and believe him.  I can't believe there are so many American people who are willing to push aside not only their best interests, but also their common sense.  All in the name of combating political correctness???  I can't believe it!  How about his promoting discrimination and and virtual racism.  Is all allowable this election cycle?  Are there no broken standards, nor lies that are based on conspiracy theories he picked up on the Internet.   There is no discredited lie he tells that his followers will turn away from.  No one really calls him on it.  I always thought we looked for leaders who were honest and forthright.  Leaders that we could trust and have confidence in.  Yet, here we have a candidate that lies continuously and has no record of ever caring about anyone except himself and some of his children.

I know many citizens take it for granted that the American People won't elect a character like Trump.  I do not share that laissez faire attitude.  At this point I believe it is highly likely we will wake up on November 7th with dictator Trump heading for the White House.  I believe we must encourage everyone we know, and especially young people, to vote for Hilary Clinton.  She is not only a WOMAN, but a seasoned politician and experienced student of political science.  She has been First Lady, Secretary of State, and a woman who has spent the major part of her life working to make America better for all citizens.  She has also withstood 40 years of vicious smears and lies lobbied her way by political adversaries and withstood that pressure.  Yet, despite the vitriol and lies she is still willing to serve her country at the highest level.  We know from our observations of Barack Obama, that it's not an easy nor appreciated job.  No one is perfect, and we all have mistakes in our past that we regret.  Hilary has apologized repeatedly.  Donald Trump never apologize.   But, I forget, she is a woman candidate and she must be PERFECT!  Lets be real and keep the real villain out of the white House.  If not, I'm convinced you will get what you ask for!!!!  Bigotry, Discrimination, Gloom and Doom!

Be afraid, very afraid.

2016 - September 16th

I’m back!!!!
My political angst is at the highest level ever, and I didn’t think that was possible!
The campaign between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton has literally made me sick.

My joy and anticipation at the long overdue prospect of having a woman run for, and be elected president has been overshadowed by the double standards the press and other right-wing political leaders hold Hillary to, as compared to an immature, bombastic buffoon who is allowed to say and do anything he wants without having to answer for it.  He is considered a great success when he can just even stick to his script on the teleprompter and not brag about himself.  He makes up things to suit his campaign with no factual basis or credibility.  He is a master of exaggeration, most of which has no real basis in truth.

I really believe ‘He has a dark, ugly soul.’ as Elizabeth Warren says.  Who wants to be a victim of that kind of scenario?

After a campaign like this we all will be asking, “How do you get the stink off?”  The only way is to make sure Donald Trump’s Reality Show approach to becoming president doesn’t come to fruition!    Tell everyone, Keep the Liar out of the Whitehouse.

So, I will write my blog again in hopes that I can influence even a few people (especially young ones) to vote for the better candidate and preserve our democracy!
